Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cale at Mimi's

Cale came over to see his Mimi and his Uncles!

They love to play together!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jace came to stay with his Mimi.

Boy did we have fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lisa and Kelli at school after anatomy and physiology.
Gotta love Mr. Bones!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cale's Tubby Time!

Cale loves to take a bath. He loves to splash and dump water, although he refused to perform when we wanted him to, of course!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LeighAnn and Jace on Easter Sunday at Mimi's house!

Mimi and Jace

Mimi and Jace played just Grandma and Me today on the computer! He loves to play with the computer and it is the perfect way for him to play without fear of computer crash! He loves his Mimi and his Mimi loves him!

Madison took some amazing photographs of the tulips blooming here in Colorado in the spring. I think she has a promising talent!

I love get togethers. We all met at the denver temple for a brief moment but the memory is etched in my heart forever. I love my family!

On this day of joy and gladness, we met up with a friend we knew in South Carolina. She is living just 1 hour from us! It is a small world. We enjoyed each others company for a short while and promised to get together again soon. What a sweet day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Madison!

Madison is an amazing young woman! She is busy getting ready for Automotive Technology Classes. She is also going on a trip to Wyoming in June with some of the youth from church. They will be walking 20 miles in 3 days so she is busy walking every afternoon to prepare for this EXPERIENCE!!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun

Easter has been great fun for the boys! They are growing up so fast! My only wish today was that I could be two places at once. I would visit my mom in Louisiana and enjoy crawfish all day! I love the potatoes and corn too! Ummmm Good!

Rachel and Aaron and Cale came over on Easter Eve. Rachie gave us the best Easter gift. She painted our toes with "real" paint. She is awesome. We had so much fun being together!

Colorado Easter 2009!

The twins were up at 5:30 am to see if the Easter Bunny came! He came and the questions begun. Why does he give us candy? Why does the Easter Bunny use the egg we Dye to put in our baskets? Why did I get a red basket? Because Jesus lives again now is that why the Bunny lives again?!!!!! It has been a great morning. Hope all of you are enjoying the Easter Holiday and remembering Jesus loves us and HE LIVES!